Denuncian ante la PDDH a Berenice Quezada por apología del delito
Procuraduría para de Defensa de los Derechos Humanos (PDDH) | LA VOZ DEL SANDINISMO |
Familiares de víctimas y víctimas directas de la violencia terrorista impuesta en Nicaragua en 2018 se presentaron ante la Procuraduría para de Defensa de los Derechos Humanos (PDDH), para denunciar a la ciudadana Berenice Quezada por apología del delito e incitación al odio, minutos después de haberse inscrito como candidata a la vicepresidencia por el partido Ciudadanos por la Libertad.
Quezada, al dar declaraciones incitó al pueblo nicaragüense a promover actos de violencia y terrorismo tal y como sucedió entre abril y junio del 2018.
We decided to move to find better opportunities, have a better life and also, part of it was my mother recognized how good of an education I could get here in the United States, Quezada Herrera said. Education was always something that I deeply valued. I always knew I needed to go to college to help be able to provide for my family, he said. At the end of the day, they were putting all of their hopes and dreams into me.
And thus far Quezada Herrera has delivered, earning a bachelor s degree, the $5,000 American Political Science Association Diversity Fellowship Award and a scholarship to pursue a PhD in political science at Emory University in Atlanta.