because they fell out of good graces with the president. that didn t happen to scott pruitt. that did happen to people like h.r. mcmaster. rex tillerson, advance prebus, but that is not the case with pruitt. he submitted his resignation. we ll learn more likely in the coming hours what finally pushed scott pruitt to the edge to submit his resignation. a lot of bad headlines will do that for you. but not the president who fired him, brooke, it was him who submitted his resignation. if you are just joining us, embattled epa chief no more. scott pruitt has resigned from his spot there. kate insaid it, he s been facing 14 federal probes. and a lot of questions swirling, including why now. all of these ethics violations have been piling up whachlt has happened for this to be it for him to tender his resignation?
contacts between russians, specifically the russian ambassador to the u.s., kislyak, and then senator jeff sessions? i think it stands to reason because remember at the republican national convention we saw the unusual move of the republicans watering down their platform in ways that would make putin happy, taking out references to support for uke crane a ukraine and the like. then we learned that a number of interactions between russian officials and trump campaign officials, that those campaign officials later lied about. with all those questions swirling, it s appropriate for robert mueller who say what was going on in 2016. jeff sessions was rejected at least for now the strong push by a lot of republicans in congress, a lot of members by the conservative news media to name a second special counsel to investigate the justice department during the obama administration. some are suggesting that this
we had in sandy, because our infrastructure was in much better shape, but it is significant and serious. all right, governor cehris christie of new jersey, thanks so much for joining us. thanks for having me. questions swirling over who might be facing charges this that mueller probe. sources telling cnn that someone could be taken into custody as soon as tomorrow. we ll ask a member of the senate intelligence committee looking into russian meddling about that, next. stay with us. my girl! that s it! get it, woo, yeah! mom! my game s over. parents aren t perfect, but then they make us kraft mac & cheese and everything s good again. t-mobile s unlimited now includes netflix on us. that s right. netflix on us. get 4 unlimited lines for just $40 bucks each. taxes and fees included. and now netflix included. so go ahead. binge on us.
questions swirling over who might be facing charges this that mueller probe. sources telling cnn that someone could be taken into custody as soon as tomorrow. we ll ask a member of the senate intelligence committee looking into russian meddling about that, next. stay with us. she s nationally recognized for her compassion and care. he spent decades fighting to give families a second chance. but to help others, they first had to protect themselves. i have afib. even for a nurse, it s complicated. and it puts me at higher risk of stroke.
interfere in the election, but the president has still cast doubt on that conclusion. he, of course, was in poland as recently as july saying, hey, it could have been any country that interfered, we don t know for sure, maybe it was russia, maybe it wasn t, maybe it was somebody else. so a lot of questions swirling, and we re hoping we re going to get a few more answers from those top two investigators here on capitol hill today. steph, ali? we re going to listen closer to what those senators have to say because president trump has not gotten on this team about warning states the russians have been trying to hack. kacie, thank you for your reporting there. we re noticing a lot of helicopter activity above us. we re expecting the president to be landing here in short order for his first visit since the shooting. and stand by, everyone. after the break we ll show you what the president said and did from people damaged by hurricane maria. you re watching velshi & ruhle