Integrating supply chain technology, addressing supply chain talent scarcity, and unifying end-to-end port platforms are the biggest challenges for companies today, according to the Supply Chain Special Interest Group of The Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC). Successful companies are adapting by prioritizing talent, technology, end-to-end collaboration, and processes
The following are links to reports from MEMRI's Special Dispatch Series and Inquiry and Analysis Series, as well as to transcripts from the MEMRI TV Project, released during the past week. MEMRI REPORTS MEMRI Daily Brief No. 470 – Curbing Iran's Ambitions Is Vital For Impeding The New China-Russia-Iran Axis, March 24, 2023 Special Dispatch No. 10538 – Xi's Visit Heartens
On December 27, 2022, the IRS issued two notices providing key initial guidance for the new excise tax on corporate stock buybacks and the new corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT)..
The boost in funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provided in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) comes just as it has started rolling out in earnest programs focusing.