job. there are many more cases working their way through mitigations that have to do directly with state laws that have been passed to protect unborn children, purchased protect women in abortion facilities. i believe they have to address it. abortion on the minds of those questioning donald traps attorney general nominee. let s bring in marsha blackburn it was on the senate judiciary committee and chaired part of the hearing today. there was an uproar i heard from the left after they heard the nominee s answers when it came to roe versus wade, they are convinced he is going to work to deconstruct it, to get rid of it and they even talk about you being part of the plan. this is what they say, with republicans almost singularly focused on finding judicial nominees committed to upending abortion and rolling back civil rights protections for lbj? people, blackburn and ernst are perfect and told us to continue that mission in the judiciary committee? your response. they need to realize