someone and putting them into a job, explain why. someone and putting them into a “ob, explain why. explain why. well, we are a restaurant explain why. well, we are a restaurant that explain why. well, we are a restaurant that aims - explain why. well, we are a restaurant that aims for - explain why. well, we are a restaurant that aims for a i explain why. well, we are a i restaurant that aims for a very explain why. well, we are a - restaurant that aims for a very high standard restaurant that aims for a very high standard of restaurant that aims for a very high standard of service and food quality standard of service and food quality. 50 standard of service and food iuali . standard of service and food xuali . standard of service and food iuali . ., standard of service and food iuali ., quality. so i couldn t get a “0b in this question i quality. so i couldn t get a “0b in this question wood quality. so i couldn t get a job in this question wood kitchen - qual