negoegziations is false. what is your reaction to both reviewing the testimony we know is false now. michael cohen is going to prison for lying to congress about how long the president was involved in his business negotiations for the moscow tower and it was changed from apparently what was accurate, which was it went through most of the campaign,ory at least the sumner to january and what we elicited from him is lawyers who were the president, jay i believe was personally retained lawyer, not a white house lawyer and asual as possibly the white house lawyers reviewed the testimony. that s one of the fruitful lines of inquiry we need pursue now. how involved was the white house in that?
and crimea probably wants to be part of russia. and donald trump knows what s happening. no one needed to tell theucter party and he placed donald trump at the center of the most important discussions happening in the campaign and after the campaign. when you think about the trump tower meeting, he says don trump jr.fe effectively told him abou that meeting. and he said stick to the story. no russia collusion and michael cohen took the hint there. when it comes to wikileaks, he was involved there too. what he did was he put trump at the center of the conspiracy in a way that we cannot deny any longer that trump knew about the collusion aspect of this. it s not just collusion. the fact that donald trump, a
no one does that in real life. ehe doesn t give a dam about high school drama. the facts the fact thattoo cohen s review today are going to be rememberd and known and litigated long after all this play time is over. they didn t even try to dismantle any of the facts. the fact that the president there s one guy stooby, i believe his name is, did this long thing of is there any corroborating evidence and michael cohen says no. and he s like rudy giuliani says there was imbrsment. by and large there was no actual factual attack. and that s what i thought was so troubling is here was their opportunity to say i want to get to the truth. here we are. we know republicans had control for two years.
imaginary crimes. and the search for michael cohen s missing boxes. again earlier you said i spent last week looking through boxes to find documents that would support your documentation. where are those boxes? are they in your garage? in storage. are these not boxes that should have bun turned over to investigatebive authorities? i spent the last week searching for boxes. where are these boxes. they actually had been seized by investigators and returned, which she tried to explain maybe a dozen times. one of the bizarre moments came when they brought in lin patten, a former trump employee who is now the hud regional director from new york, despite having zero relevant qualifications for that important job and she had
peculiar happened. don trump jr. came into the room and walkbed hind his father s desk, which in and of itself was an illusion. people didn t just walk behind mr. trump s desk and i recalled don jr. leaning over to his father and saying in a low vous, which i could clearly hear, and saying the meeting is all set and i remember mr. trump saying okay good. let me know. so i concluded that don jr. was referring to the 2016 trump tower meeting about dirt on hillary with the russian representatives when he walked behind that desk that day. michael cohen under oath said he thinks donald trump knew ahead of time about the trump tower meeting and his campaign expected a russian representative to share dirt on hillary clinton as part of the