In a national curriculum board exam where tons of answer scripts are often evaluated with a lot of biases, leaked questions harm all the examinees, especially the ones who have access to them. Firstly, it invalidates someone’s honest efforts in academics while unfairly tilting scales towards many who put in none. Not only is that potentially capable of crushing a student’s
that people inside in the administration are going to reporters and telling them lots of stuff about i mean, all the articles you see on the front page couldn t happen how about s.e.a.l. team 6 and they go and work with the video game and they get a slap on their wrist because they re popular and they don t get in trouble but there are definitely times when you need to leak. you go through the system. tom drake tried internally. had to finally stop criminal activity by our government. tom tam is another case that we didn t talk about. justice department also about the warrantless wire taps. nothing happens. you have to go public when the government is doing something wrong. there s no question leaks are selectively prosecuted. in the last four years the critics of embarrassing government policies, ironically policies that were implemented under the bush administration have been prosecuted most harshly.
according the legal times flood is expected to take a mored a ver sarial approach than cobb did. all signs pointed to the president s legal defense team now basically being the rudy giuliani show. it appears he is assembling a team more ready for a political fight unanimous a legal one. the legal shakeup comes after the new york times published a list of questions that mueller s team wants answered in an interview. those seem to indicate that the president the in serious legal jeopardy and perhaps cooperating wasn t doing him any favors. if you are wondering whether those question leaks was a message to ty cobb you are not the only one thinking that. enter rudy giuliani who said that the white house does need a quote more aggressive approach. giuliani wants mueller to limit his questioning of the president to just a couple of hours. nicole wall as reports adding