backgrounds of tf pilot and the copilot to talk about what do we know about them that might be significant at this point in. all i ve seen is the captain was just a flying enthusiast. he flew model airplanes, he had his flight similar later that we ve all seen on the news. same thing with the copilot. you need to keep pulling on that thread and dig deeper and figure out is there more to the story. if there s an aha moment or a smoking gun on either of them, we don t know about it yet? question don t know about it yet. but if there is, i m confident it will come out. coming up, more on the agonizing wait for answers. ben! [ train whistle blows ] oh, that was close.
wreaked havoc in nairobi at a mall. you had navy seals try to get the leader just this week. there you are in minneapolis trying to have an american life. we re just sick and tired of them giving a bad rep to our people. all somali people are not bad. there s a lot of success stories going on here in the u.s. and in somali. all we hear about is just the bad parts. we re tired of it. question don t support these people. i really feel sorry for all the bad stuff that happened to them. do you have family still in somali? i have a lot of people there that i haven t met all my life. you haven t met them? some i ve never met. will you ever go back mp. one day. what do you want to do with the rest of your life?
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you to weigh in on their side on the actual rule-making progress as congressman because that would have some extra force? every letter i wrote for jack abramoff asking for favors, i wrote 100 for somebody else. hundreds. it faeled in comparison. have you the law, they come to you, special interest groups, whatever side, they say, we don t want this question don t want that. if the law passes they say this rule-making process. your staff runs in and they say, so and so called, this lobby group. can you do a letter? they seek powerful people, chairman, people that have jurisdiction. if it s housing, they try to get me to head the letter up. sometimes i would say to a colleague, i don t want to be a front person, you do it. okay. we talked about no, no, i know i went to prison. i know. before prison, no. now i m very candid.
you d think it would. after all, astronauts have been to the moon and brought back m rocks that seem utterly cheese-free. but rick perry and michele bachmann, the front runners in question don t believe nasa ever landed men on the moon. as for space mice, the governor and congresswoman think they may be lurking out of sight on the moon s dark side. i m kidding, of course, as far as i know neither perry or bachmann harbors thoughts about our planet s satellite. if they did, they d be laughed right out of any presidential contest, wouldn t they? moon made out of cheese, nasa landings faked, that s way too crazy for the white house, right? that s where the buses don t stop. trouble is, both bachmann and perry profess other believes just as crazy. for instance, neither seems to accept charles darwin s idea that species, including the human species, evolve over time. instead, they pretend there s a