A few months ago, Meta officially unveiled the new Quest 3 VR headset, with plans to launch later this year. Now just as promised at the most recent Meta Connect event this week, the launch date has officially been announced, with the newly upgraded standalone VR headset shipping on October 10th. The Quest 3 has …
The company, which renamed itself Meta two years ago, is expected to unveil the next version of its virtual reality headset, the Quest 3 and discuss AI chat-bots and other tools and features designed to keep users interested in Facebook and Instagram as competition with TikTok continues. This remains Meta s biggest challenge, said Insider Intelligence analyst Yoram Wurmser.
Meta has introduced the Quest 3, its latest virtual reality headset, scheduled for shipment starting October 10th. With a price tag of $499, the Quest 3 presents an array of technical advancements, including a notable emphasis on “mixed reality” (MR) capabilities.