quentin? we lost one million union jobs since 01 and the economy doesn t look better, i m not sure you have a tight relationship here. but look at this currents system. mit did a study, 22,000 attempts to organize, 20% made it through contracts between 1998 and 2005. why? employers control the process, even if 100% of workers want card checks they insist on ballots. and 25% of the time they fire union organizers and the penalty is they have to put up a sign and if there is a union they run up the clock and stall for a year and there is no contract and everybody has to start and the system is corrupt and has to be changed. it is all about secret balloting and whether this guy would get rid of it. and it is a misapprehension of the change, legislative changes in store and david says union workers, if people want to unionize they have to get 30% to basically form a petition and
forbes, victoria barret, quentin hardy, dennis neil. steve, should we privatize the accounts? sure. all the 401(k)s. it doesn t allow politicians to play politics by making outlandish promises. it allows mobility. so if you work for three years for a state you can move. in utah, they don t go far enough because they give workers a choice to find benefit or for 401(k). all the way with 401(k). by the way, david, diversification, you can have rules and diversification so you don t worry about stock market as you get near retirement. david: the boss has a mouthful. what is not to like about his plan to privatize? a few things. 401(k)s were a great benefit for companies. overall, most americans are underprepared for their retirement. they don t invest aggressively and they don t save enough. left up to their devices they didn t perform 306789-year
hi, everybody. happy new year. i m david asman. welcome to forbes on fox. in focus with steve forbes, rich karlgaard, quentin hardy, stephane fitch. steve? it s hurting the white house. they can t get the legislation through congress and you see it in the at tuted of unions in the attitude of the unions and the reaction to the state budget problem and massive deficits because of the pension. that s where the real blizzard is, david. not what the snow in new york but the avalanche of the unfunded liabilities of the pension funds. the property taxes are going up and the economy is weak. this is nuts. david: what happened in new york is inexcusable, particularly if it was forced slowdown of activity. one of my resolutions for 2011 i wouldn t wig out over the conspiracy theories and now you have me on the show forcing me to break it.
steve, to you first, to keep innovation we must repeal healthcare? absolutely. you need a private sector in healthcare. no coincidence over the years you have more and more nationalized medicine in europe. they fell behind in terms of the medical innovation. today in the world, the u.s. has two-third of the medical patents. compounds that are tested now. 2,700 in the u.s. only 1,700 in the rest of the world. the more the government controls healthcare the more they control cost. squeezing research and development. it hurts us all and means a shorter life. quentin hardy, what say you? if your goal is medical breakthrough and patents and expensive treatment, yea the cadillac system. if your goal is keep people alive we re not going so good. 19 out of 19 industrialized nations. we re just not delivering
how are we ever going to fix the economy? hi, everybody. i m david asman. welcome to forbes on fox. in focus with rich karlgaard, victoria barret, quentin hardy, dennis neil. they re tacking on 136 earmarks himself in the last three years alone the total price tag over a quarter of a $1 billion. victoria, does it mean even the g.o.p. doesn t get it? that is what i m worried about. i don t know his capacity for change, but he loves earmarks. the number four earmarkers last year, parkway named after him. he brought so much pork to his constituents and now we re putting him in charge? it doesn t ring true for what voters have told both parties. david: it is true there are a couple of anti-earmarkers, jeff flay and people who are true blue. but bottom line he s a porker.