Aha's Telugu Indian Idol is all set to start this month. Nithya Menen will be seen as one of the judges in Telugu Indian Idol. Earlier, the makers of Telugu Indian Idol have released the promo in which Nithya Menen sings 'Undiporaadhey' song. Telugu Indian Idol’s show-makers have unveiled a blurry video featuring Nithya Menen, as they wrote, “She owns versatility, and her
Nithya Menen will share the panel of judges with Ala Vaikunthapuramuloo music composer Thaman on the show. Musician Thaman, who is currently basking his glorious career with back-to-back hits, will make his valuable comments and give input to the singers.
Actress Nithya Menen will be seen as one of the judges on popular music reality show Telugu Indian Idol. The makers of the show, who dropped a video earlier hinted at the 'Bheemla Nayak' lady's collaboration. | Tellychakkar.com
Actress Nithya Menen will be seen as one of the judges on popular music reality show Telugu Indian Idol. The makers of the show, who dropped a video earlier hinted at the Bheemla Nayak lady s collaboration.Telugu Indian Idol s show-makers .