Two women who in many ways could not have been more different. One was establishment, one was grassroots. One was upwardly mobile, incredibly well educated, and the other one came from a background filled with such deprivation that to describe it as poor seems too grand. One was an obvious leader, the other was an unlikely and late in life luminary. Both of them changed the course of history, and neither one has been given their due. Hopefully these two biographies will help change that. Tamiko brown megan is 18 at the Harvard Institute and a history professor at Harvard University during her earlier book is courage to dissent the book we are going to be talking about today is civil rights queen. Kate Clifford Larson is a distinguished scholar whose earlier books include a biography of Harriet Tubman and the assassins accomplice. Today we will be talking about walk with me, a biography of Fannie Lou Hamer. Im going to assume many of you are like me. Maybe you have heard a little bit ab
Incredibly well educated, and the other one came from a background filled with such deprivation that to describe it as poor seems too grand. One was an obvious leader, the other was an unlikely and late in life luminary. Both of them changed the course of history, and neither one has been given their due. Hopefully these two biographies will help change that. Tamiko brown megan is 18 at the Harvard Institute and a history professor at Harvard University during her earlier book is courage to dissent the book we are going to be talking about today is civil rights queen. Kate Clifford Larson is a distinguished scholar whose earlier books include a biography of Harriet Tubman and the assassins accomplice. Today we will be talking about walk with me, a biography of Fannie Lou Hamer. Im going to assume many of you are like me. Maybe you have heard a little bit about Fannie Lou Hamer. Maybe you have not heard anything about constance modly. Im hoping will introduce us to the subjects of these
First Lady Laura Bush along with then library of librarian of congress and the current librarian of congress has continued. Carla it is so delightful to see people line up outside waiting to hear authors and get their books signed and all of these things. There is just so much excitement. After two years of being virtual, that was good for when we all had to hunker down, but being in person is just delightful. What is your role today . Carla my role is head cheerleader, and also to open up the main stage to actually get a chance to moderate a panel of young adult authors. This year we are having a stage for the young and young at heart, teenagers, specifically. The interesting part is we had a Youth Advisory Committee which could all happen during a pandemic, and they zoomed in through the country and gave us advice about authors they would like to hear from. They recommended the books and so i am just being led on to the stage but young people will be interviewing some of their favori