Mr Hunt responded: I think that s very much their thinking and where they came from. But, of course, in taking this action they ve provided the perfect platform for Harry and Meghan on Oprah. So Harry and Meghan now have the perfect backdrop in which to launch themselves on that interview.
Queen s decision backfires as monarch provides perfect platform for Harry and Meghan (Image: GETTY)
Mr Hunt said: I think that s very much their thinking and where they came from. (Image: LBC)
He continued: One assumes they will talk about what they would have liked to happen, what they have failed to achieve and what their future will now be.
| UPDATED: 15:28, Thu, Feb 25, 2021
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Channel 5 s royal documentary Secrets of the Royal Palaces, had royal commentators discuss a moment that saw the Queen comment on the Scottish 2014 independence referendum. Due to the Queen s position, she is duty-bound to remain impartial on political issues and not divulge her true feelings. Multiple commentators claimed the comment the Queen made that voters should think carefully allowed the head monarch to comment on the political issue without picking a side. But, the documentary noted the Queen walked a very fine line with the remark.
PRINCESS ANNE proved she was a rebel royal when she foiled the Queen and Palace s plan to try and stop her from getting involved in what eventually became a scandal.
| UPDATED: 20:11, Sun, Feb 21, 2021
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After the Duke and Duchess of Sussex told the Queen they would not be returning to working royal life, their military appointments and patronages were vacated. Now, the Queen will work with other royals to “put on a united front” in the wake of Megxit .
| UPDATED: 08:47, Fri, Feb 19, 2021
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In the BBC documentary ‘Elizabeth R: A Year in the Life of the Queen’, Her Majesty reflected on her role as monarch. She described her position as a “job for life”. The broadcast was the first officially approved documentary about the British monarchy since the 1969 ‘Royal Family’ film.