Quebec s sweeping new health-care plan Bill 15 drew mixed reaction following its announcement Wednesday. Several health-care professionals say it s a massive undertaking especially for a health minister who initially said he didn t want reform.
Enya Jaime, a clinical nurse from Quebec took to TikTok to share a few details regarding her job as a self-employed agency nurse and turns out, she makes some serious money.
Already dealing with a lack of nurses, Quebec now has some increased competition. Horizon Health Network, one of two health authorities in New Brunswick, is in Montreal recruiting.
Unvaccinated people continue to be overrepresented in Quebec s hospitalization statistics. About half of the patients who end up in the intensive care unit in Quebec are not vaccinated, even though they only represent 10 per cent of the population.
Montreal health authorities are hoping the 30-day vaccination extension will result in many unvaxxed staff having a change of heart. Others say it s unlikely.