republican house candidate ruth mcclung. i m a physicist. i love equations and love facts. what we re seeing right now is it s not adding up. reporter: and president obama on tuesday will spend more time doing radio interviews to get out the vote, as well as monitoring the results and, of course, his normal presidential duties. jake tapper, abc news, the white house. millions of election eve robo calls jammed up the nation s phone system. the new hampshire democratic party says it lost phone service at campaign offices at 11 different locations. phone systems operated by comcast and other companies were bogged down for hours last night at the peak of all those at the peak of all those robo calls. the race for senate in nevada is seen as one of the most critical and for good reason. the state leads the country in unemployment and foreclosures and the highest ranking democrat in the senate is in a fight for his political life. jonathan karl reports now from reno. reporter: for
using unorthodox criteria, a group of british doctors and experts rated the impact of 20 substances, based not only on how they harm the body, but the harder to measure toll they take on the environment, families, health care costs and social services. their conclusion, overall alcohol is more destructive than even heroine and crack cocaine. unquestionably the reason it is so harmful is because so many people use it, and so many people are dependent on it, and so many people get into trouble with it. reporter: the findings raise eyebrows, and not everyone agrees. how could alcohol possibly cause more harm than hard-core narcotics? it s a matter of numbers and availability. alcohol is legal, socially acceptable, and it s everywhere. about 1 in 12 adults in the u.s. abuse alcohol or are dependent on it. but despite this report, there is hope, though. i ve never felt better. probably never looked better. reporter: innovative new treatments for alcoholism like this injectable drug
/ call this toll-free number now. and for weeks now we ve been talking about the extremely bizarre story surrounding actor randy quaid and his wife. now they re talking to us. in a stranger than fiction exclusive, the quaids explain why they fear for their lives. diana alvear has more from los angeles. reporter: for the first time we re hearing the quaids tell their side of the story, but it s a story that is so bizarre you d be forgiven for believing it s the plot to a movie and not their real-life situation. i still can t understand it, why, why would somebody want to do this to me?
be sure to tune in at 9:30 eastern, 8:30 central. and beyond politics this morning, u.s. intelligence forces are targeting the man they say is the mastermind of last week s plot to detonate air cargo planes. he is known for building ingenious and sophisticated bombs and for being completely ruthless. martha raddatz has the story. reporter: the man believed to have built the devices, ibrihim asiri, is a 28-year-old saudi, an expert in explosives and chemicals, and a fanatical member of al qaeda looking for a spectacular attack. nine years after september 11th al qaeda is still obsessed with blowing up airplanes coming into the united states. reporter: he is so fanatical that officials say last year he packed explosives into a body cavity of his own 23-year-old brother and sent him on a suicide mission to kill the head of saudi intelligence. he had him pose as a repentant jihadist, who had information for the intelligence chief but the bomb exploded prematurely
blowing off the interview saying he was telling the story for entertainment value? having your husband publicly say we ve been having no sex for four months would be hard for anyone. kind of hard and none of our business what s happening, but she s finally talking and addressing it all. sad news from the disney world. demi lovato, the disney sensation, apparently a difficult time. her spokesperson said this, she left her tour in order to seek medical treatment for emotional and physical issues that she has dealt with for some time and decided to take personal responsibility for her actions and seek help. she is doing just that. she and her family ask that the media please respect the privacy during this time. 18 years old, singer and actress here, having personal issues seeking a little bit of help, according to tmz, sources they tell them it s not drug use. there was some kind of physical altercation she had with another female while she was on tour with the jonas brothers and p