and they tested her and sure enough she had rsv. reporter: in missouri, weekly rsv cases more than doubled the past month. and are more than five times higher compared to last year, according to the cdc. we are at capacity on many days, and it s one patient in, one patient out. reporter: across the country pediatric hospitals are filling up. 14 states, plus d.c., more than 80% full. four of those states more than 90% full. rhode island, texas, kentucky, and minnesota. looking back at pictures, you could see it in her eyes that they were just like puffy. i was in panic mode. it was terrifying. we didn t even think to like go to a hospital that was in network. let s just get to the closest hospital. reporter: on top of comforting parents, dr. quayle says she is dealing with staffing shortages accelerated by the pandemic. we re bringing in our nurse
manag managers usually do administrative tasks, they are at the bedside helping to take care of patients. reporter: dr. shaw bacher, who runs a non-profit organization, focused on health care safety, says this should be a warning. we all should be alarmed because when nurse/patient ratio increases, meaning fewer nurses have to take care of more patients, patient safety is at risk. reporter: a problem that givers quayle pause. i think everyone s a little bit nervous. all right. thank you so much. those are really frightening moments for every family being impacted by rsv. and more, let s dive deeper. joining us is dr. bisset, medical director of the mcnair emergency center and emergency medicine physician the baylor college of medicine. good to see you, doctor. good morning. so we saw in that piece, you
i m hearing here in charleston. ribed as ti see the damage and devastation in florida, yes i did get impacted by it but it has not been anything close to what they ve been dealing with. this route is about five minutes ago was completely cleared but you see city crews have been working pretty quickly to quayle s remaining roads. we know the power at one point in the area was out for about 100,000 people. has now been restored, car outages in the few thousands of people in this area. that s not to say charleston was spared from the storm. it was yesterday around this time when we know that hurricane, category one hurricane ian made landfall about 60 miles from where we are now. and charleston, we re getting 70 mile an hour wind gusts. they were seeing flooding in many areas, especially in the downtown area. and there was about 24 hours ago, i was reporting the police department.
other gonna get a bigger turnout than they would have otherwise. the conventional wisdom has turned, a few weeks ago quayle might survive the issues he s had with an fbi been there for ten terms, all of a sudden has the momentum in this race. julian castro, having a property of a sitting in the seat for me when i was out a few weeks ago, so my team loved being with you, and my thanks to erica and rosie for letting you join us on this mother s day. thank. you next, a crisis for american parents we are burnt out, why? what could we do about? it plus, president zelenskyy said he feels what could happen in the next few hours once russia celebrates its victory day, more on that ahead on american voices. on american voices.