West Michigan is offering the opportunity to enjoy lots of art, music, food and culture this weekend, plus a way to keep those kids safe on two wheels!
Grand Rapids Business Journal Courtesy city of GR Economic Development Department
The Grand Rapids City Commission adopted 12 budgets for the 2022 fiscal year recommended by various downtown and neighborhood boards.
The budget approval provides reinvestment of just over $43 million for community and economic development, including almost $2 million in investment through six corridor improvement authorities and a neighborhood business improvement district. This will increase investment in neighborhood business districts and neighborhoods of focus.
The Grand Rapids Economic Development Department administers 10 separate boards and authorities, and Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. administers the Downtown Development Authority and Monroe North Tax Increment Finance Authority.
Economic Development Director Jeremiah Gracia told the city commission his office supported 10 major development projects over the past year. The success of those projects includes more than $179 million in lev