Dubai Taxi Company, a leading provider of comprehensive mobility solutions in Dubai, has announced its intention to proceed with an initial public offering (IPO) and to list its ordinary shares for trading on the Dubai Financial Market (DFM).
Dubai Taxi Company, a leading provider of comprehensive mobility solutions in Dubai, has announced its intention to proceed with an initial public offering (IPO) and to list its ordinary shares for trading on the Dubai Financial Market (DFM).
Dubai Electricity and Water Authority PJSC (ISIN: AED001801011) (Symbol: DEWA), the Emirate of Dubai’s exclusive electricity and water services provider, which is listed on the Dubai Financial Market (DFM) has won the Equity Capital Markets Deal of the Ye
EFG Hermes announced on Saturday that it completed advisory on the $210.5m (AED 773m) initial public offering (IPO) of Al Ansari Financial Services (AAFS)