Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Summit 2023 kicks off at Maui Hawaii, unveiling next-generation chipsets. Today, Qualcomm introduced two new sound platforms the S7 and S7 Pro Gen 1 that take the sound experience even further.
The growing demand for true wireless earbuds and headphones with premium audio features is all-time high since the usage of earbuds and headphones is considered crucial for activities such as commuting, working, and gaming. According to Qualcomm’s latest sound report, over 73% of consumers want premium sound features including spatial audio, clear voice calls, and lower audio latency on their devices.
These are Qualcomm’s most advanced audio platforms ever- the Qualcomm S7 and S7 Pro Gen 1 sound platform, specially designed for headphones, earbuds, and speakers. The combination of high performance, low-power computing, on-device AI, and advanced connectivity sets a new benchmark in the era of audio innovation, delivering immersive and personalized audio exp