A new review paper was published in Oncotarget's Volume 14 on December 12, 2023, entitled, “Current perspectives on the management of refractory or relapsed classic hodgkin lymphoma in Brazil: Balancing efficacy, safety, and tolerability.”Credit: 2023 Xavier et al. A new review paper was published in
<p>On December 1, 2023, a new research paper was published in <a href="https://www.oncotarget.com/"><em><u>Oncotarget</u></em></a><em>, </em>entitled, “<a href="https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.28540"><u>Osteopontin induces mitochondrial biogenesis in deadherent cancer cells</u></a>.”</p>
On June 21, 2023, a new research paper was published in Oncotarget, entitled, “Diphenyl ditelluride anticancer activity and DNA topoisomerase I poisoning in human colon cancer HCT116 cells.”