Cakaudrove High Chief and head of the Tovata Confederacy, Na Turaga Na Tui Cakau Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu will open the two-day Cakaudrove Provincial Meeting
President and Tui Macuata Ratu Wiliame Katonivere pleaded with communities in his province to safeguard vulnerable species of sharks and rays in Dreketi waters. He urged the people of Fiji.
The documentary showcased the strong application of Fiji’s ecological/environmental and the traditional knowledge of conservation across villages and communities..
Serafina Silaitoga
20 January, 2021, 6:15 am
Protecting natural resources in Macuata will continue despite the impacts of STC Yasa, says Tui Macuata Ratu Wiliame Katonivere.
Ratu Wiliame, Fiji’s Great Sea Reef community champion said his people, including those in the Qoliqoli Cokovata zone, remained committed to ensuring they sustainably protected their natural resources.
“Let me first acknowledge the strong and powerful stand we have taken after STC Yasa left scars that have affected our families along the coast from Udu to Dreketi and I have never felt so proud to be from Macuata for the very reason of the communities’ staunch resilience to rebuild,” he said.