Top 12 BI tools of 2021
Top 12 BI tools of 2021
It’s not always easy choosing a business intelligence tool to meet the needs of your enterprise. Here are 12 that could work for you. Credit: Dreamstime
With more and more data at our fingertips, it’s getting harder to focus on the information relevant to our problems and present it in an actionable way. That’s what business intelligence (BI) is all about.
BI tools make it simpler to corral the right data and visualize it in ways that enable us to understand what it means. But how simple that process gets, and how you can visualize the data depends on the tool: Picking the right one for your needs becomes important.
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Top 12 BI tools of 2021
It’s not always easy choosing a business intelligence tool to meet the needs of your enterprise. Here are 12 that could work for you. Credit: Dreamstime
With more and more data at our fingertips, it’s getting harder to focus on the information relevant to our problems and present it in an actionable way. That’s what business intelligence (BI) is all about.
BI tools make it simpler to corral the right data and visualize it in ways that enable us to understand what it means. But how simple that process gets, and how you can visualize the data depends on the tool: Picking the right one for your needs becomes important.