what are your ñrxde1thoughts? i don t know a lot. i love his 9ekt)sráy. and trust as aú people who say what they re going to do and then do it. andlp so i haveko some concerns about where he is on immigration and how he feels about it. i think there are people who voice those concerns as well. truth and trust, as the pillars in terms of strong leadership. when you see hillary clinton, we have seen recent polling horñ t&óstñi numbers are down. irq an t%-o seem to get a handle on the jftruhj the trust factor doesn t seem to beokñi there in the public histories s eye? i don t know her leadership style. i m notfá going to votet( for her. iq will leave the democratic party toi] decide whether she qualifies for the truth and trust issue. rand paul? again,q i don tlp like the fact he was one way with the wind