And race against the clock. A lastditch effort to save hundreds of beached whales. Volunteers braving sharks and stingrays to form a human sea wall to stop the tragedy from escalating. What is behind the mystery . And smart alec. Yes, this is real life. Alec baldwin promising a huge show as he gets ready to lampoon President Trump again. Fans line up since thursday to see him. Baldwin gets set to host snl for a report 17th time. Today saturday, february 11th, 2017. Announcer from nbc news, this is today live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning. Welcome to today. Im Sheinelle Jones. Im craig melvin. On the walk in this morning, you could see folks lined up for alec baldwin. Some people have been there, apparently, since thursday. It is freezing here in new york city to add to that. Should be a show worth seeing. We have a lot to get to. Lets start with the top story. President trump waking up this weekend at maralago estate hosting another foreign dignitary and hipting at
A lastditch effort to save hundreds of beached whales. Volunteers braving sharks and stingrays to form a human sea wall to stop the tragedy from escalating. What is behind the mystery . And smart alec. Yes, this is real life. Alec baldwin promising a huge show as he gets ready to lampoon President Trump again. Fans line up since thursday to see him. Baldwin gets set to host snl for a report 17th time. Today saturday, february 11th, 2017. Announcer from nbc news, this is today live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning. Welcome to today. Im Sheinelle Jones. Im craig melvin. On the walk in this morning, you could see folks lined up for alec baldwin. Some people have been there, apparently, since thursday. It is freezing here in new york city to add to that. Should be a show worth seeing. We have a lot to get to. Lets start with the top story. President trump waking up this weekend at maralago estate hosting another foreign dignitary and hipting at a new executive order on mon
And race against the clock. A lastditch effort to save hundreds of beached whales. Volunteers braving sharks and stingrays to form a human sea wall to stop the tragedy from escalating. What is behind the mystery . And smart alec. Yes, this is real life. Alec baldwin promising a huge show as he gets ready to lampoon President Trump again. Fans line up since thursday to see him. Baldwin gets set to host snl for a report 17th time. Today saturday, february 11th, 2017. Announcer from nbc news, this is today live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning. Welcome to today. Im Sheinelle Jones. Im craig melvin. On the walk in this morning, you alec baldwin. Some people have been there, apparently, since thursday. It is freezing here in new york city to add to that. Should be a show worth seeing. We have a lot to get to. Lets start with the top story. President trump waking up this weekend at maralago estate hosting another foreign dignitary and hipting at a new executive order on mond
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