The police have arrested a man, hailing from Shikarpur, in the murder case of Irfan Ali Mahar, the secretary of the Sindh Bar Council, SSP CTD Tariq Nawaz revealed Saturday. Mahar, 42, was shot dead on December 1 near his residence in Karachi’s Gulshan-e-Iqbal. He was attacked by two men on a motorcycle while he was returning home in a car after dropping his children to school. On December 3, the victim s brother registered an FIR under Section 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 and sections 302 (murder) and 34 (common intention) of the Pakistan Penal Code at the Sharae Faisal police station. On Saturday, SSP Nawaz told SAMAA Digital that Mahar hailed from Shikarpur as well.