Opinion by Peter Gleeson
Premium Content It s no surprise that the ABC s flagship show,
Q&A, is in strife and floundering, with ratings halved in 2021 as its meaningless and boring format leaves even its most ardent fans - the crazy lefties - cold. I reckon I ve seen three episodes of
Q&A in the past five years because as much as I ve tried, I have to switch it off because it feels like I m being hypnotised and parachuted into a Communist Party meeting of the 1950s. The audience, selected for their impartiality , whoop and holler when a Labor lefty or Greens senator makes a point, yet the token conservative is stared down and is about as popular as a rattlesnake in a lucky dip.
Opinion by Peter Gleeson
Premium Content It s no surprise that the ABC s flagship show,
Q&A, is in strife and floundering, with ratings halved in 2021 as its meaningless and boring format leaves even its most ardent fans - the crazy lefties - cold. I reckon I ve seen three episodes of
Q&A in the past five years because as much as I ve tried, I have to switch it off because it feels like I m being hypnotised and parachuted into a Communist Party meeting of the 1950s. The audience, selected for their impartiality , whoop and holler when a Labor lefty or Greens senator makes a point, yet the token conservative is stared down and is about as popular as a rattlesnake in a lucky dip.
Greens lash Q&A panellist for âappalling behaviourâ
News 23rd Apr 2021 5:35 AM The Greens have taken aim at the host of ABC s Q&A and a panellist on Thursday night s show who has been accused of mocking and patronising Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young. Much of the conversation on Thursday s episode was about Australia s use of fossil fuels and whether the country was falling behind the rest of the world in achieving net zero carbon emissions. There was particularly spirited debate between Ms Hanson-Young and fellow panellist Andrew Liveris, the former chief executive of the Dow Chemical Company and current board member of the Saudi Aramco petrol and natural gas company.