In celebration of Children s Mental Health Week UK, Watoto Play (pronounced: WA-TOW-TOW) invites you to a poignant 90-minute Conversation plus Q&A Panel.
Thursday, October 12th: advance screening of the documentary on the life and work of legendary pianist Ellis Marsalis Jr. "ELLIS: The Life and Complicated Times of Pianist Ellis Marsalis Jr." ~ a film by Sascha Just with Ellis Marsalis Jr Synopsis:
While the Covid-19 pandemic placed great pressure on the NHS and social services, it also fuelled the momentum for transformation and the sectors have produced new solutions for long term challenges.
The emergence of new data capabilities and progress of technologies such as the internet of things and artificial intelligence are creating a range of possibilities – especially in monitoring vulnerable people while they live independently – but also posing new questions about the ethical use of data, the strength of local digital infrastructures and how the technologies can be integrated with legacy systems.
This comes with the desire for a better co-ordination of health and social care and more sophisticated public health initiatives. These are going to require an intelligent use of data, interoperable systems and widespread connectivity.