The latest operator performance data released by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) on Friday revealed a 1.46% sequential growth in adjusted gross revenue (AGR) for the telecom industry, reaching Rs 55,583 crore in the fiscal second quarter of FY24. Vi recorded the highest AGR growth at 3.30%, followed closely by Jio with 3.24%, and Airtel with 3.04%. However, in terms of absolute numbers, Jio reported the highest AGR for the quarter at Rs 24,217 crore, followed by Airtel with Rs 19,841 crore, and Vi with Rs 7,508 crore.
MUMBAI: Digital loans grew 43% during the September quarter, a report by the Fintech Association for Consumer Empowerment (FACE), an industry body of .
MUMBAI: If BFSIs were to be excluded, corporate sales in Q2 FY24 would register a half percentage point decline in sales even though overall profits r.