it was a hoax, capital h. and there is no obstruction of justice, couple of more capitals there. that is a setup and trap witch hunt. all we hear about is this phony russia witch hunt. that s all we hear about. in some ways he s a more remarkable figure in that he s still silent, in that he s still letting the legal machinations, the legal developments speak for what he has uncovered. in that, we still have no idea how the mueller investigation ends. i would defend our choice and further say that he may be the most important man in our country because of his impact and sway over the man we traditionally call the most important in our country and that would be the president. i was asked a series of questions. i ve answered them very easily. very easily. you have to always be careful when you answer questions with people that probably have bad intentions. it is that power dynamic that donald trump doesn t know what to make of robert mueller. he doesn t know what to make