Have you ever ventured into the Octagon, which used to be the Queen Mary library, for meetings or lectures and has your eye started wandering around the room? In doing so your gaze may have rested on the gold plated names etched in the base of the dome. These are the names of eight Greek and Roman philosophers and poets that lived in the ancient world, whose works are still read today. This week the focus is on Plato. A series by Special Collections Information Assistant Anne Marie McHarg.
Dès qu'on plonge dans les textes des traditions de sagesse, il est très souvent question, partout, de pouvoirs immenses - inhabituels, démesurés, surnaturels même - que les sages acquièrent. C'est sans doute l'Europe qui a rompu avec cette tendance, en voulant que ses sages se distinguent par la pureté plus que par des attributs particuliers.