theory in the search for the missing plane. we ll tell you why investigators are looking at tropical fruit. we ll show you how a hollywood director is helping with the search and a hollywood reporter who spoke with some of the crew members doing the searching. that s the top of the hour. we ll see you then. less look at what americans are clicking on today. north korea welcoming foorn runners to take part of the pyongyang marathon. the tourist comes say they are inundated with requests for the event. a blade embedded right in his next on the job monday. worker having emergency surgery. it missed major arteries and instead cut into muscle. he s now recovering. new jersey teen who tried to sue her parents says she s getting $56,000 lawsuit from a university. she filed for child support and college cost but then later dropped the case.
some of the pollution is from a storm in the sahara desert. they say it s a mix of industrial pollution and the sahara dust. one guy on a bike wore a mask, apparently to help him breathe, or just as a fashion statement, who the hell knows? government officials have warned people with health conditions or heart or lung conditions, especially, to avoid strenuous physical exercise in the next few days. they say the pollution level could climb to the very top of their scale. for the first time ever, north korea is letting tourists run in the annual pyongyang marathon. until now, only professional runners could enter that race. travel agencies report hundreds of people from around the world have signed up for the event. one catch. you have to finish the 26.2-mile run in four hours, or officials will pull you from the race. the event is set for next weekend. and then they make you cut your hair like the dear leader and all that. quite a show. search teams have struck out