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FROME 2021/0050/FUL: Residential development comprising 25 dwellings, new vehicular access, landscaping, sustainable urban drainage and other associated infrastructure works: Land At 378206 147347 Adderwell Road Frome Somerset 2021/0129/HSE: Erection of a First Floor Side Extension: 4 Hawksworth Close Frome Somerset BA11 2XW 2021/0121/FUL: Garage conversion to create new single dwelling: Grove House Marston Mead Frome Somerset BA11 4DU 2021/0111/HSE: Construction of new rear extension following the demolition of single storey rear extension and summerhouse: Glebe Cottage Longfield Mells Frome Somerset BA11 3PR 2021/0077/LBC: Fitting of new conservation rooflight to kitchen roof: 3 Church Hill Beckington Frome Somerset BA11 6TJ
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GLASTONBURY 2020/2462/APP: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 5 (part discharge) (joinery details - 2 dormer windows) listed building consent 2020/0555/LBC: Higher Farm West Bradley Lane West Bradley Glastonbury Somerset BA6 8LT 2020/2441/APP: Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 5 (part discharge) (joinery details - 2 dormer windows) listed building consent 2020/0554/HSE: Higher Farm West Bradley Lane West Bradley Glastonbury BA6 8LT 2020/2521/TPO: G1 - Woodland Ash: prune back to the boundary of the land from which they grow. TPO M67: Land East Of 9 Bove Town Glastonbury Somerset BA6 8JE