get inside and put wet towels on you. it will cooldown your body. gregg: don t consume too much alcohol. it dehigh tkraeuts you. dehigh tkraeuts you. i tell people get water between each drink. gregg: limit sun exposure and reapply su sunscreen. between the hours of 10 and 2 is the highest uv index. stayed under an pwrel r-r, wear a hat. reapply your sunscreen every two hours. gregg: utilize sunburn recommend does if necessary. if you do get a burn, keep it hydrated, keep it moist. cool towels will help. aloe will help. if you get blisters do not break them, go see your doctor you may need to put special dressings on them. gregg: barbecue your meat thoroughly. even if it s charred on the outside, the internal. might not be hot enough to kill bacteria. a study has just come out with a