Where is Xur in Destiny 2? Head to the EDZ for some Exotics like Trinity Ghoul, Gwisin Vest, One-Eyed Mask, and Apotheosis Veil from your top merchant.
Where is Xur this week? Head to the Tower for some Exotic items from your favorite merchant. This week’s Xur inventory includes Merciless, Sealed Ahamkara Grasps, One-Eyed Mask, and Getaway Artist.
Destiny 2's sandbox is filled with plenty of unique and powerful Exotic weapons and armor pieces. Here's a breakdown of which Exotics are the most effective in 2021.
Source: Bungie
Exotics are the most powerful and unique items you can obtain in the Destiny 2 sandbox, and with them at your disposal, you’ll be well-equipped to take on the enemies of the Guardians (or Guardians like yourself in the Crucible). With that said, some Exotics are more powerful than others, and using the best ones will help you maximize your efficiency and effectiveness in battle,
especially if you incorporate them into full character builds (check out my guide to the best Destiny 2 builds for more on that topic). Therefore, you should aim to get your hands on the best Exotic weapons and armor pieces as soon as you can. Here’s a look at all of the best Exotics in Destiny 2 in 2021.