who refuses to sell to gay marriage come in a blow to lgbtq rights. here are tonight s headlines. a restriction to the power of the biden administration as the president condemns today s ruling. i think the court misinterpreted the constitution. today s decision has closed one path. now we are going to pursue another. a new record for the july 4th holiday. aaa is predicting that nearly 51 million of us in this country will be on the move. tsa and airline safety expect next week. storms will continue into our holiday weekend. john: actors poised to strike. the current contract for the screen actors guild nears expiration, while the writers guild it s day 60 of their strike. we are here is actors today, standing in solidarity with writers. [applause] riots erupted across france, for a third straight night, following the deadly police shooting of a 17-year-old during a traffic stop. and the oscar goes to. alan arkin, little miss sunshine.
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