On Tuesday, September 19, 2023, a British tourist named Adam Alexander Murray was apprehended by the police in Denpasar, Bali, following reports of a violent incident by traffic police officers.
See news update below.
A US national living in Bali is at the center of a whirlwind of controversy after making a series of posts on social media that many Indonesians and others found offensive and has prompted Immigration authorities to commence an intensive search for the woman’s whereabouts.
As reported by
BeritaBali.com, NusaBali.com, and several national news outlets – Kirsten Gray insisted on boasting to her global readership via some 20 separate tweets detailing her life since arriving in Bali in 2019.
Gray related how she could not find employment in the USA, where living costs are relatively high, she resolved her girlfriend to uproot and relocate to Bali. Arriving in Bali on a tourist visa, she and her partner originally planned to spend six months in Bali. The