that boat. brian: a lot of people live on the water, maybe they are clamming. ainsley: a lot live on the boat. steve: 30% of people under my plane yesterday were under 10, people are traveling going places. ainsley: we had our spring break last two weeks, most schools in new york, coming back from spring break. brian: soon the kids will make their decisions. meanwhile, donald trump knows where he is going for spring break, new york city. he will be arraigned in manhattan court downtown tomorrow. ainsley: multiple secret service are testifying this week related to documented at mar-a-lago. steve: alexandria hoff, good morning. alexandria: no expectation that the president will be held in new york. he plans to return back to mar-a-lago. the former president outlined his plans on truth social, ending the post saying america was not supposed to be this way. former president is referring to alvin bragg s indictment against him. we do not know the specific charges,
going to austin, texas. abby: brian found a new niche. brian: coming up, federal judge holding wokeness in contempt, putting stanford students on notive after a judge is ambushed. ainsley: more from the cmt awards, here carrie underwood performing hate my heart during the show. last call, friend i want to feel good. i would, if you could i don t know how.
For our lab at Stanford University, we needed to build a multiple-tier database and programming project. I took advantage of this opportunity to find out whether a NAS device would do the job.