“Artworks purported to be by artist Jean-Michel Basquiat” are the subject of a subpoena. https://youtu.be/FAQwqyGMzCo Whether it’s brisk sales of $29.99 Basquiat-themed T-shirts at The Gap, large crowds at Basquiat’s most recent art exhibitions or an actual canvas by the painter auctioned last week for $85 million, the ongoing cultural fascination with Jean-Michel Basquiat shows […]
The FBI raided the Orlando Museum of Art in Florida on Friday, taking all 25 works that had been part of an exhibition on the life and work of Jean-Michel Basquiat, the museum said. The Orlando museum is now led by the former director of Williamsburg's Muscarelle, at William & Mary. 37"; 2 photos (file and new). NYT/Smith
The paintings’ owners and the museum’s director and CEO, Aaron De Groft, say the paintings are genuine Basquiats, citing statements from art world experts commissioned by the owners.