maker. he believed that he could go on the air and make united states senators gravel because they would. he thought that he could that he could control the speakership of the house of representatives because, maybe he could. he could get the former president to do his bidding. but the problem is that in rupert murdoch s world, if it becomes clear that you, tucker carlson, think you are bigger than rupert murdoch, he s going to have to correct the record here. yeah. i think a lot of this the racism, the misogamy, the conspiracy theories, the putinism, that was not the deal breaker. the deal breaker was thinking that he was bigger than fox itself. and you know, i bet go ahead. real quick. and the republican party responded to it, to charlie s point. the speaker of the house owes his speakership to graveling and selling his soul to maga and their megaphone, right? who was tucker carlson. this is who kevin mccarthy gave 40,000 hours of january 6th footage to, who he sold out
why do you think germany is so reluctant to authorise anything before the us moves on tanks? i think it is internal politics in germany, the spd needs to make a more forceful argument about why russia may not prevail in ukraine to their own electorate. the duty of those politicians is not only to reflect public opinion but also to shape and yet german politicians can do more. ~ ., ., i. shape and yet german politicians can do more. ~ ., ., ,, ., , .,, do more. what do you mean, shaping ublic do more. what do you mean, shaping public opinion? do more. what do you mean, shaping public opinion? first do more. what do you mean, shaping public opinion? first you do more. what do you mean, shaping public opinion? first you win - do more. what do you mean, shaping public opinion? first you win the - public opinion? first you win the argument. public opinion? first you win the argument, then public opinion? first you win the argument, then you public opinion? first you win the argu