jesse: whelan as it is an intel guy and putin wouldn t let him go. i have a hard time believing we didn t have more leverage. if we have all the sentients on the russians and all the energy on the ground of the united states, we could not have gotten a better deal? i don t know, we had to let the saudis broker it? biden needs the pariah for oil and hostages? joe went over and fist pump and stop production, slowed it down and then begging him to cut a deal and it gets the merchant out. i mean, i don t know what little rocket man can do any worse in the united states. this was bad on all accounts. now, the merchant after the union collapsed, he took all of the stuff, piles of weapons and loaded them up in the cargo aircraft interest dumped tens of thousands of ak-47s and to every jungle, every desert, every terrorist group cartel, african war criminal, more