personal story segment tonight. we continue our series: did you know that about fox news folks who have interesting situations in their past. two fnc guys are actually stand-up comics. i was shopping the other day and i have a few questions. rhetorical things. don t yell it out because i checklist. why is it necessary to label one of those chickens a young chicken? like i don t feel bad enough eating something that s living breathing thing now feel twice as bad knowing it was struck down in the prime of its life. so i can have one meaningless meal. why don t they go the rest of the way and killing put lytle bios on them. bobby chicken beloved son. bob untimely decapitations. walk out and think, you know, start the way. wave.
tonight. we continue our series: did you know that about fox news folks who have interesting situations in their past. two fnc guys are actually stand-up comics. i was shopping the other day and i have a few questions. rhetorical things. don t yell it out because i checklist. why is it necessary to label one of those chickens a young chicken? like i don t feel bad enough eating something that s living breathing thing now feel twice as bad knowing it was struck down in the prime of its life. so i can have one meaningless meal. why don t they go the rest of the way and killing put lytle bios on them. bobby chicken beloved son. bob untimely decapitations. walk out and think, you know, start the way. wave.