The Hindi version of Allu Arjun's Pushpa: The Rise surpassed the Rs 50 crore-mark in two weeks. Directed by Sukumar, the film released in theatres on December 17.
After the success of Pushpa: the Rise, the makers of Allu Arjun-Rashmika Mandanna starrer have announced to start shooting for the sequel titled Pushpa: The Rule in February. Helmed by Sukumar, the film also stars Ajay Gosh, Sunil Varma, Anasuya Bharadwaj in important roles.
Allu Arjun is currently happy with the glorious run of Pushpa: The Rise , which has collected Rs 56.69 crore from its Hindi-dubbed version. Directed by Sukumar of “Arya” fame, the action drama was also released in Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada languages.
Pushpa: The Rise Box Office Day 16: Allu Arjun starrer records its highest single day number on Day 16; collects Rs. 6.10 cr. Bollywood News: Latest Bollywood News, Bollywood News Today, Bollywood Celebrity News, Breaking News, Celeb News, Celebrities News, Bollywood News Hindi, Hindi Bollywood News at Bollywood