A group of college professors in Texas claimed that banning TikTok on state-issued devices and state networks has undermined their ability to teach students.
Montana is set to become the first US state to ban TikTok completely. Montana is set to become the first US state to impose a total ban on TikTok from operating within its borders.
Montana may completely ban TikTok soon amid increasing scrutiny of the app. Legislators in Montana have adopted a measure that would completely ban TikTok from being used in the state, according to a report by AP.
Outlook for This Week in the Nation’s Capital
Congress. Congress is in recess this week. Both the House and Senate will return to Washington next Monday, November 14th. The Senate will likely continue floor consideration of the FY23 National Defense Authorization Act. In a schedule released last week, House Republicans will hold their leadership elections beginning next Tuesday. House Democrats have not yet released a schedule for their l
COVID-19 Delta variant: Time to act is now! The Punch
Published 16 July 2021
“The highly contagious Delta variant of COVID-19 is the fastest and fittest coronavirus strain that will ‘pick off’ the most vulnerable people. It has the potential ‘to be more lethal’ because it’s more efficient in the way it transmits between humans.”
– Dr. Mike Ryan, World Health Organisation.
It came like a bolt out of the blues, turning the table on the global socio-economic and political matrix. It came more deadly and devastating on the human health status than the searing scourges of previous diseases such as measles, cholera, HIV-AIDS and that of course, Ebola virus, which reared its ugly head just a few years ago.