Purv Flexipack is finalizing IPO share allotment. Investors can check status on Link Intime India s website. Priced at Rs 71, shares trade with a premium of Rs 110. Proceeds will be used for debt repayment and working capital. Holani Consultants is the lead manager.
Purv Flexipack s IPO aims to raise Rs 40.21 crore by offering shares at Rs 70-71. It is a DCA and DOPW, distributing plastic products. The IPO opens on February 27 and reserves portions for different types of investors.
Juniper Hotels, owned by Saraf Hotels and Hyatt Hotels Corporation, will debut on the bourses on February 28, while the trading in GPT Healthcare equity shares will commence with effect from February 29.
Around six new initial public offerings (IPO), including three in mainboard and three small and medium enterprise (SME), are set to hit Dalal Street in the upcoming week.