For Purposes Orof protecting his business, marriage, and many other valid reasons for somebody to engage in a Hush Money or Nondisclosure Agreement with individual whose coming forward with allegations that simplythat claims are not true. It is not just that level, but the Defenst Ite also has to beve raised that even if that specific intent is found in the Firs T Part of the elements, that there is an additional element that they must prove, and additional crime, essentially, that it was dealing with an Election Money cover up. So, they were so many layers here. Thneede defense needs to put Thi Case forward in the Opening Statement and talk a lot about the specific intent elements required here and the difficultg prosecutors are going to have. Finally, they need to have more beyond a reasonable Doubt Standard and to never let back on that. Trey carrie, i am going to make you a jury consultant, at least Fo Ar the next couple of