ought to know better into punching down at them. but if that is the way you are operating in our political system, if you have to troll for it, if you re going for purposeful out rage and nothing more serious than that. it is also pretty good evidence that you re not all that good in discussion. and, you know, the nra has proved its political impotence in recent electoral politics. and they did it in stark, empirical terms. the nra s main pac spent $11 million on candidates, more than 99% was wasted. 0.83% of the nra s money went to the results that they wanted in that election. in a year that was not kind, they showed themselves to be a weaker political force than carl rove and the chamber of commerce. the nra set a new bar. we should change the name of this graph to not anymore.
they help nearby unpopular positions as pseudopolitical actors by tricking people who ought to know better into punching down at them. but if that is the way you are operating in our plilt kal system, if you have to troll for it, if you re going for purposeful out rage and nothing more serious than that. it is also pretty good evidence that you re not all that good in discussion. an, you know, the nra has proved its political impotence in recent electoral politics. and they did it in stark, empirical terms. the nra s main pack spent $11 million on candidates, more than 99% was wasted. 0.83% of the nra s money went to the results that they wanted in that election. in a year that was not kind, they showed themselves to be a weaker political force than carl rove and the chamber of
they help nearby unpopular positions as pseudopolitical actors by tricking people who ought to know better into punching down at them. but if that is the way you are operating in our political system, if you have to troll for it, if you re going for purposeful out rage and nothing more serious than that. it is also pretty good evidence that you re not all that good in discussion. and, you know, the nra has proved its political impotence in recent electoral politics. and they did it in stark, empirical terms. the nra s main pac spent $11 million on candidates, more than 99% was wasted. 0.83% of the nra s money went to the results that they wanted in that election. in a year that was not kind, they showed themselves to be a weaker political force than carl rove and the chamber of commerce. the nra set a new bar.