LG Electronics announced its new air purifier, which looks nothing like the ones it typically launches. The PuriCare Objet Collection Aero Furniture is one of the many new LG releases at IFA 2022, and it combines style, functionality, and practicality into one appliance. The Aero Furniture is both an air purifier and a table. LG said it has a "relatively.
The Beautiful, New Aero Furniture Boasts Advanced Air Purification Technologies, a Customizable Design and Convenient, User-friendly Features SEOUL, South Korea, Aug. 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/
The LG PuriCare Objet Collection Aero Furniture has 360-degree built-in air purification, wireless charging, and "mood lighting." It also doubles as a table and you can control it via the LG thinQ app.