No one could miss the warnings to shop early for the holidays. Seemingly every national news broadcast includes video of cargo ships waiting off the P .
This is a rendering of the new playground planned for Horace Mann Elementary School.
Saint Francis professor Rick Miller, left, is pictured with students, from left, Xavier Yoder, Reggie Telemaque and Alex Reichard and professor David Stehlik. The team won a marketplace challenge.
In Grace College’s fitness room, exercise science director Christina Walters, center, advises students Zach Kraft and Hannah Wanemacher.
Courtesy Trine University
Trine University President Earl Brooks II, third from right, poses with Presidential Award for Excellence in Performance recipients, from left, Deborah McHenry, O’Shea Owens, Evan Gustin, Jennifer LaRose and Mary Ditmars. Staff members were unmasked for photos only.