luck and good night. judge judy: this puppy has been vet checked and is found to be in good health. announcer: she believed this dog breeder s word. judge judy: when she took the puppy home, it was not in good health. she could tell immediately. i brought the puppy back. judge judy: she was bringing it back because it was sick. announcer: but her puppy problem s not over. judge judy: so, why doesn t she get her money back? the contract clearly states that there is no cash refund. judge judy: so you have the puppy and her $850. announcer: judge judy. you are about to enter the courtroom of you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution celeste adams is suing jason veach for the return of money she paid for a miniature schnauzer, vet bills, travel costs, and fraud. byrd: order! all rise!
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