My New Orleans
May Day, last Saturday, was spent at a St. Joseph’s Day altar. I know, according to the calendar, someone got the dates wrong, but a world turned upside down has made the liturgically improbable more possible.
Two local churches – St. Angela Merici and St. Dominic – displayed their food altars on the weekend of May 1 rather than the traditional date of March 19, St. Joseph’s Feast Day. The change was facilitated, of course, by COVID-19. Because of the distancing rules, many places that usually have an altar did not display one this year; some for the second successive year. May 1 became an acceptable substitute day because of and this will surprise you– Communism. Yes, my fellow workers of the world, “the reds” are still occasionally a factor in our lives. Moscow historically celebrated “May Day” to honor workers. That’s when the politburo would stage an endless parade filled with rockets and tanks likely intended to scare the be